Gawk Quick Reference
By default, a record is a line. A line is made up of fields with default delimiter. Main programs are mainly based on C program syntax.
Reference: UNIX Power Tools: sed & awk by Dale Dougherty
BEGIN { FS="\t+" } | Initialization. Set field separator to be one or more TABs. Take the string as regular expression if more than 1 characters. |
END { ... } | Finalization. Execute ... after all files have been processed. |
gawk -F"\t" '{ ... }' | Execute with field separator TAB. |
/xyz/ { print } | For each line contain xyz, print the line. |
$1 == 100 { print $2, $3 } | For each line with first field equals 100, print the 2nd and 3rd fields separated by space. |
$3 ~ /PAT/ { print $2 $3 } | If the 3rd field matches PAT, print the concatenated 2nd and 3rd fields. |
$3 !~ /PAT/ { x = 0 } | If the 3rd field doesnt match PAT, let x = 0. |
print $1 OFS $2 | Print 1st and 2nd fields separated by output field separator. |
FS, OFS, RS, ORS | Field & output field separator, record & output record separator. |
NF, NR | Number of fields and records. |
FILENAME | Current input file. |
$NF | Last field |
'${val:-hello}' | In matching region, represents value of $val from the BASH environment, but use "hello" if val is not defined. |
"'${val}'" | In code region, represents value of $val from the BASH environment. |
array[2]="hello" | |
array["i"]="world" | |
for(i in array) print array[i] | Also works for multi-dimensional array. |
if("i" in array) print "found" | Print if "i" is a subscript of array. |
n = split($1, array, ":") for(i = 1; i <= n ; i++) print array[i] | Split 1st field into array with ":" as delimiter. |
array[2,5]="val25" | Equivalent to array["2" SUBSEP "5"]="val25". SUBSEP is a subscript-component separator such as "\034" by default. |
if((i,j) in array) | |
ARGC, ARGV, ENVIRON | Number of arguments, argument array, and environment array. |
index(s,t) | Position of t in s. |
length(s) | |
sub(r,s[,t]) | Substitute first match of r in t by s. t is $0 by default. |
match(s,p) | Return starting position of the substring in s that regular expression p matches. |
sprintf("fmt",expr) | |
substr(s,p,n) | The substring of s at position p up to n long. |
toupper(s), tolower(s) | |
function name(list) { statement } | |
getline | Get next line. |
getline <"-" | Get a line from stdin. |
print > "out.txt" | Print to the file out.txt. |
Reference: UNIX Power Tools: sed & awk by Dale Dougherty
Labels: Gawk, Quick reference
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